対象者はデバイスの接地パネルに手の一部を接触させ指筆談時と同様の書字動作を行う。※ 指筆談の書字動作はタッチパネルでの操作のように接地点を動かして書字するのではなく
・How to operate
The operator with paralysis writes the same way as when he writes with manual assistance stickinga part of his hand to the panel of the device. On assisted handwriting Yubidan, the operator paralysis,
does not move his finger as in normal handwriting, but he puts pressure on the direction he wants
to move his finger, where no position change of the finger is recognized.
※ 本デバイスでは完全な書字認識は出来ないが上下左右の直線とマルの書字判定が可能
・The Operation
The change of the pressure on writing by the one with paralysis is transmitted to the load sensorvia a pressure transmission bar connected to the panel. Two load sensors are installed in the
position with the 90-degree gap. Load sensor A measures vertical pressure change and load
sensor B horizontal pressure change.
The change amount of the pressure captured by each sensor is repeated by M5Stack for PC calculation.
As the PC software calculate the output of both of the sensors at the same time, the device can
judge the pressure input from all direction, not vertically and horizontally only.
The software visualizes in which direction the pressure moved on the display to show the output
of writing by the operator. The device has not achieved the perfect recognition of writing,
though enables recognition of the vertical and horizontal straight line and that of a circle shape.